Browne looked at me … I looked away. I couldn’t face him at a time like this. A time like this, when everything seemed to be going right. He always seemed to appear at the perfect time for ruining my life … or at least a phase of my life. Until I got things happy and happening again, my life would be ruined.
Browne walked over to me, grinning slyly. “I know something about you that no one else knows…” Everyone looked up, questioning his relationship to me with their eyes. I glared at him, hoping he would take the hint and go away.
“Damn you, Browne. Damn you to all the primitive planets there are.” I muttered when he stopped in front of me.
“Do you want to know what it is that I know? The thing that no one else knows?” He asked loudly, for everyone to hear.
“No, actually, I’m just fine being ignorant in this matter.”
Raising an eyebrow, he turned in a half circle, as though he was on stage before an audience. “What I know about you is…” The ‘audience’ leaned closer as his voice lowered. “That you think you are really a chimpanzee disguised as a human.” The ‘audience’ gasped and quickly dispersed.
“WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THAT?!” I yelled at him as he collapsed in laughter. Suddenly he got up, kissed me on the cheek and looked me in the eye.
“Because I love you, you know that. Quit being false. Be true and show everyone who you really are.”
And then he disappeared and was gone. For now...